Tuesday, 18 November 2008

The Orange Seed - Part 1

"The Concern of Tomorrow"

It is apparent to me (and it has been for a little while) that many people tend to lives their life in an automatic pilot mode. This proverbial mode is one where, in layman's terms, one sticks to a script. They are unaware that they're but mere paws in the greater scheme of things ,possibly as useful as the talking dead.

I see it all the time at from paying closer attention, it is as almost as if it is planned. The most knowledgeable can't make 1 + 1 to equal 3 then if any hint of logic is put into this game called life then consider this...

What of the media that shows and broadcasts, sex, violence, drug abuse and insanity; what of the fashion trends that tends to be more revealing every minute, what of the objectification of woman, what of the demoralisation of men, and most importantly what of the weak-minded who choose to follow.

It is apparent to me that neither intellect nor compassion are put into making decisions any longer. The next time you chose to listen to a song ask yourself: how does this truly help me and the others around me? or how about do I even like the song? Am I simply following a trend?

If your answer for any of these is that "The beat is catchy" to leave an answer so vague, then you have already lost the battle.

When the mind or heart does not know, it uses the generic escape route - quite logical I may say. But it is that vagueness that has us unaware of the world around us, and how our actions affect our immediate environment and by extension the world.

"Do this because everyone's doing it" is very open ended. It it open to the assault of the "why". I believe that it is designed this way, but I'll delve into this in part two.

To the selected few, their consciousness allows then to see farther than the average which is good as this allows them to make better decisions. The feeling of a moment seems to dictate the choice made. There are many quotes that would support this behaviour, most popularly "Live for Today, because Tomorrow is not promised" but what happens when tomorrow comes?

That above quote while true was never meant as "blow all your assets and act unintelligently because you might die tomorrow and if you do die you'll have lived a life without fun"...no! That quote means make TODAY COUNT. To add to it, make live easier for someone, make a difference somewhere because when you die, for the most part, the general public won't care how much fun you had.

Your death leaves behind your memory, so how will you be remembered?

Now is the only reality, which is true, and now is continuous and everlasting, and since we live in the now, you too are everlasting... so I ask why worry about tomorrow. Create your own future today!

You may be relieved of your physical body but live forever in the memory of history, or according to your religion, you may transcend to the spiritual realm and live forever there, of you may reincarnate into another form. But we know not the complete truth, but most of us believe that life doesn't end here...

So my advice to add virtue is "Live every act as if it were your last" because believe me my friend, those who say "Live today, because tomorrow is not promised" do not have death in mind, it is only an excuse to justify their irrational behaviour. And if you truly want to follow that quote in the wrong sense, then I suggest you never make a plan again... because that would be hypocritical.

To be continued...

Change the world
Change thyself

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