Monday, 24 November 2008

The Orange Seed - Part 2

"The Concern of Change"

What is an ability? This question has plagued my head for the past year and a half. Ever since a wise man told me "We never get better, we just lose the foolish idea that we couldn't do it before".
An ability is defined as: the quality of being able to perform

I pondered on this for many nights and the "quote" came to my head

"Practice makes perfect"

I then ask "why do I train?" To get better, this of course will contradict the above statement made by the wise man. So again, I'm confused yet still I believed him. After a few weeks of pondering I came across the answer while remembering a conversation I had with two of my friends long ago concerning the concept of ideas (which I'll delve into later). I went outside and found the nearest rock and stared at it for few seconds and said "hello rock". Of course the rock didn't answer. I was a bit disappointed, but the result was not unexpected.

So why did the rock not speak? Your answer of course will be "because rocks don't talk" or "It's a non-living thing" or whatever else, and you're right. The rock 100 years ago couldn't speak, it didn't speak today, and it's probably not going to speak in the next 1000 years. Can the rock practice to speak? No, because it doesn't have the ability speak in the first place.

So maybe the non-living thing was a bad example... so I tried my dog Spot (yes his name is spot) and said "hello there spot". Again, to my disappointment, my dog didn't answer. Instead he jumped up to reach my hands, and when I didn't respond he barked. Why did he bark? is that his way of speaking...nevertheless it's not a language I could understand; but again, Dogs are not able to human languages I guess. Which again would mean, he couldn't speak yesterday, he didn't speak today and he probably wouldn't speak tomorrow.

This rock and this dog, would not change, both living and non-living thing, then why is it that humans think that they change? Of course change is a word used to describe a difference in property, pattern, or the regular schema of things. But it really only means just that, a difference to what you're accustomed to. To say that we change is illogical at the deepest levels.

"If a room is left in darkness for ten years, and suddenly a light was shone in the room - what you will see is what is already there"

All that we emulate is already in us. We speak because we have the capability, we walk because we have the leg muscles. A rock cannot walk, why? No motor functions to support this. We study to become more knowledgeable, but it is our ability to understand that causes the knowledge to stay... and without that ability, studying would be pointless.

So now you may ask if we don't change, how can we grow? Well we do, but it is because of our awareness of ourselves. I'm sure you've heard of people wanting to find themselves - and then go on some journey looking; and after all the travelling they realise that if they had simply looked within they would have saved themselves a trip. But journeys are fun, so go anyway. Everything we are capable of becoming is already within us. A rock is a rock and never changes, A dog is a dog and will never change and you are you and you'll never change.

"If we choose good the good within us will manifest, if we choose bad the bad will develop"

The true change you speak of is within choice. For it is the choices we make that dictate which part of us we develop. Don't believe me? Let me give you a few examples of my theory. Consider a baby, and a mass murderer. I'm sure you prefer the baby. But can you imagine that the murder was once a baby; curious, innocent and drawn to good. Why did that baby develop into a mass murderer...CHOICE (and possibly child abuse) but CHOICE. Remember, the rock and dog cannot speak nor have the potential to speak. So then it means, to become a murderer, the baby had the potential to become a murderer.

Ok what about the bad guy who decided to "change" for good? Ask yourself, was he really bad in the first place, or did he just choose to fit in with his environment or go with the trend? Well the truth is he never really was bad, he just wanted to be "good" in the eyes of his peers, and when he learned what "good" really is he... well he didn't change he was always looking for good, he just made a different choice.

And what about you? Do you remember you dreams as a child? You're probably say that I've changed since then... Wrong, you chose to forget those thoughts (possibly) and do something more "realistic". But all that truly happened is that you developed you "adult" side. Which is sad.

So IN SHORT remember this...

"We do not change, we just become more aware of ourselves"

But I have not forgotten, I still imagine that I could fly, I still want to be a superhero, I still want to save the world and I will... Just give me a couple years.

To be continued...

Change the world
Change thyself

1 comment:

Mu said...

that was one hell of a read.damn.I am speechless to no end.unbeleivable.i swear..i got a couple of my answers to life answered just by reading this.true reading.

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