Friday, 7 November 2008

Codename: One Who Saves - Part 2

The Systemic Inequality

In the Matrix Trilogy many things were said and hinted (most of which were missed by the general public) that relates DIRECTLY to our current state of affairs. For instance "Love is just a word, what matters is the connection" or "Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without" how about "Almost 99% of all test subjects accepted the program as long as they were given a choice even if they were only aware of it on a subconscious level" and "It is not unexpected and thus, not beyond a measure of control" (or something like that) and my favourite "There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path"

Ever since I was young I dreamt of being a superhero, with some sort of cool power. Like possibly every child, I always pretended to have some super power, and although I came to some realistic conclusions very early in life, or as some would say "I grew up too fast", up to today I still strive for some power to make a difference in this world. I still in the cover of private time pretend to have super powers. My imagination runs away with my attention taking me to a place where my purpose is to do the ultimate good, even if it means paying the ultimate price. I do it willingly, knowing that I would change the world for the better.

This world of mine while full of danger, woes are always outweighed by the wonder and the potential of its inhabitants. Of course I would be one of the chosen few who make a difference. My journeys are most times never lonely ones. I would always have friends who can also do amazing things, and though the road is hard and sacrifices are made we would always come together to get the job done.

My friends in the real world would probably never have noticed my efforts to unite them, or to show them that together we can make a difference in the world. Ultimately they would probably just shove it off as my regular rhetoric. Eventually I was immersed in this "other world". I would write stories about it, I would speak of it only to a small select few, and I would in every way try to manifest is in the real world. Unfortunately my environment would never give me the encouragement I needed to realise my dreams. For the parties, the alcohol, the promiscuity, the gossip, the segregation of the fashion world, the violent or sexual forms of music and the definition of cool contained no honour, no compassion, no logic and morally grey principles at best.

While I have done my share or partying which is, in comparison to most people, a little bit, I have left each party wondering: "What is the point of all this? I can have fun in many other ways. Does this make me a better person? Certainly not... with all of the violent messages in the music and the objectification of women, when the DJ's bring them on stage to perform lewd dancing which was dually praised by simply having the ability to turn your head and waist at the same time and to perform a split. What skill." These questions and the subsequent feelings would create a systemic anomaly - i.e. affecting each and every inch of my entire being from spirit to body, causing me to resent the social world. Although my behaviour towards may be deemed unnecessary and erratic my most, it was not unexpected by myself and thus, not beyond a measure of control.

I began to hate the world. The utter blindness of the general public. Oblivious to the fact that the superficial have become the paramount of priority, and that any from of understanding was thrown out the window by virtue of "how it looked". I started to feel as if I didn't belong, I prayed at night that God would take me away from this place and put me into my dream world, a place where people united against evil and fought for what was right. Yet even though this planet extracted from me at this hour only contempt... still I would have given anything to save it.
To Be Continued...

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