Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Codename: One Who Saves - Part 1

Before I get into my old ballyhoo, let me first mention what probably the global population is buzzing about: President Elect Barack Obama. Who, as I have developed an acronym for (Black And Ready 'to do some' Ass Kicking), will most likely bring change to his country and by extension the world. I thought that I would have praised the victorious future president of the U.S. because he was black and he made history by becoming the first black president of America. However, when I saw the entire world, whether black, white, yellow, brown, all rejoice, speaking of hope and change, my congratulations must extend far beyond and much deeper than that of a superficial reason as his skin colour. He truly has rekindled hope for those who probably lost it about four years ago or possibly eight years ago. He will face the toughest of circumstances, but you know what... when has anything great come easy? He will be A New Hope. I won't comment on the ignorant minority who would have called him terrorist, Arab and any other uneducated label they would put on this man but I will say this that for a terrorist - he sure has the world united in celebration and if the world's united who is there to fight? PEACE!

Now to the point of this post:
On every man's journey he is faced with many questions and probably the answers come tenfold. Then the hardest question comes... What do I believe? Is it selfish to say "I believe that which benefits me" or how about "I believe that which I see". The questions come at you rapidly and relentlessly forcing even the most grounded person to question their own judgment, trapping themselves into the battle of right and wrong. But what is right and wrong? Is it a defined set of rules? Is it a code to keep the masses in check? Is it relative where one man's terrorist is another man's hero?

Well here's what I have come to understand on my journey-- the only thing of any meaningful measure is the spirit of things. You hear it all the time "Team Spirit", "A Joyful Spirit", "He/She has a good spirit". Spirit and Truth.

I digress slightly
Don't get me wrong when i say I understand the Atheist at times. Why because with so many religions, so many "Gods" and each saying "the other is wrong" it is sometimes easy to come to the conclusion that the idea of "God" is simply a man made system of control; and that right and wrong are simply principles based on the culture or the time in which it is defined. Simply Put: Old Testament: An Eye for an Eye - New testament: Turn the Other cheek.

But to Spirit and Truth:

If you believe in a higher power or an all mighty source of energy that powers us all, then you should know that the worldly does not lead you to the real truth. Spirit and truth, your REAL intention is not something that may be assimilated by a human but know this, all energy that is given is returned and it is returned to you multiplied. (If you plant one orange seed, you don't get one orange now do you?). This is the fundamental belief that ALL religions carry: Karma, Reincarnation, The Golden rule, The noble Eight-Fold path, the Secret All speak of your intention being returned to you by the Universe. No matter who you are you should at least believe that.

Einstein said that "We were wrong. Nothing is composed of matter but it is all energy" or something like that. So what of all the questions I mentioned above-- simple: I say believe in what has been taught but what you have LEARNED. It is said by the Buddhist sect that God is within us and it is there that you will find truth. So take time to connect with yourself and let that supreme energy of the universe (of whatever your religion) enter into your Spirit, Mind, Heart and Body.

To Be Continued...

Change the World
Change Thyself

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